The Midwest: kind of interesting, actually

Hoarfrost by Jean Paley

It turns out my Moms is a good photographer. All those years growing up it was my Dad who carried cameras everywhere, built a darkroom in the basement, walked around in a khaki vest stuffed with oversized lenses… but last year my Moms decides to get a digital camera, and the next thing you know she’s sweeping all the awards at my Dad’s camera club competitions. Here’s why.

My parental units still live in Urbana, IL. As my sister once said, “I’m glad I grew up in Central Illinois, otherwise I never would have seen it.”

Speaking of my hometown, I recently read Finding Iris Chang by Paula Kamen. Iris Chang was also from Urbana; we were the same age and attended the same High School, which I discovered we both hated. But I barely knew her. Iris went on to write the famous book The Rape of Nanking. She committed suicide in 2004. That’s a conversation stopper, huh? Um, anyway…I liked the book. And not just because I’m quoted in it. It’s a good read.


Author: Nina Paley

Animator. Director. Artist. Scapegoat.

5 thoughts on “The Midwest: kind of interesting, actually”

  1. Right, so I’ve seen the site, I’ve drooled over the amazing artwork, I’ve seen all the stills, and I’ve read all the words. Where can I get a copy of the final results and view them with friends and family ?

  2. I really like the trailer for Sita Sings the Blues, can’t wait to see it! Do you think maybe the art theater in Champaign will play it? I just found your site online through yogadawg, and your work is fantastic! I am forwarding the trailer on to all my buddies. Neat to see somebody from around where I live doing something so cool! (I live just south of urbana in philo, lived in urbana for almost ten years though :D)

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