Some Behemoth designs-in-progress, head only.

Like Leviathan, Behemoth is kosher, so I infer he/she/it is a cloven-hooved cud-chewer.
Animator. Director. Artist. Scapegoat.
I designed this Leviathan for my upcoming Seder-Masochism project (new website coming soon). Jewish mythology doesn’t have a lot of visual representations of monsters. Lions, grapes, and decalogues, sure, but not monsters. The Big Three are Leviathan (the sea monster), Behemoth (the land monster), and Ziz (the air monster), all of which are KOSHER!
Over at, pro-SOPA/PIPA commenters continue to call copying “theft.” Since their main argument for breaking the Internet is fundamentally erroneous, now seems like a good time to re-post this riposte:
Please share.