Blogger’s Quilt Festival – Air/Nude

Update June 3: This is cool – it won the “Art Quilt” category! Air/Nude is from 2011, and it remains my favorite piece of quilt artwork. So I’m reposting it for the Blogger’s Quilt Festival. Air/Nude is 77″ x 23″ (yielding a life-size figure) unbleached cotton muslin, cotton batting, polyester thread. She counts as “Air” in … Continue reading “Blogger’s Quilt Festival – Air/Nude”

Ahimsa: Sita Sings the Blues now CC-0 “Public Domain”

I am hereby changing Sita Sings the Blues‘ CC-BY-SA (Share Alike) license to CC-0. A few years ago I started thinking about taking a vow of non-violence: a commitment to never sue anyone over Knowledge (or Culture, Cultural Works, Art, Intellectual Pooperty, whatever you call it). Copyright law is hopelessly broken; indeed, the Law in … Continue reading “Ahimsa: Sita Sings the Blues now CC-0 “Public Domain””

This Land Is Mine

I envisioned This Land Is Mine as the last scene of my potential-possible-maybe- feature film, Seder-Masochism, but it’s the first (and so far only) scene I’ve animated. As the Bible says, “So the last will be first, and the first will be last.” This Land Is Mine from Nina Paley on Vimeo. Who’s Killing Who? A … Continue reading “This Land Is Mine”


Here’s our pal the Angel of Death, hero of the Old Testament, doing what He does best in a scene I’m working on. It’s been slow going working on Seder-Masocochism. In fact I’ve hardly worked on it at all. Instead I’ve been shuttling between New York and Urbana, IL, attending Ebertfest, hanging out with my … Continue reading “work-in-progress”

This is ART, bitches!

My latest quilt is Capital-A Art. Know why? It’s white on white It depicts a nude It is on canvas stretchers Ladies and gentlemen, I unveil the fourth and final installment of my 4 Elements quilt series: Air/Nude! 77″ x 23″ (yielding a life-size figure), unbleached cotton muslin, cotton batting, polyester thread. She counts as … Continue reading “This is ART, bitches!”