Sita held over at IFC; now playing through January 5.


Woo! New showtimes – Click on the time to purchase tickets for a screening.

I’m doing Q and A’s tonight and tomorrow after the 8:30ish shows, then Friday and Saturday after the 4:40pm shows. Then I might take a little break, who knows.


Author: Nina Paley

Animator. Director. Artist. Scapegoat.

4 thoughts on “Sita held over at IFC; now playing through January 5.”

  1. Congratulations on getting a theatre screening for the brilliant film, Nina. It is no less an epic than the one it recounts. Have been a big fan since the day someone forwarded me a link. Here’s praying you become America’s Best-Loved, Best-Known Cartoonist through 2010. Happy New Year 🙂

  2. Film was wonderful, enchanting, funny and very slick.
    I met you and we spoke all of one minute following the 835 show on Wednesday evening, I also purchased a DVD.
    Would like to know if you are accepting ideas/stories for future films. I have two stories created for young adults that I was going to try and animate on my own, but after seeing your film I could never translate what is in my imagination my minds eye.
    Please contact me if you think you might be interested.

  3. Oh, I wish I could see it in the big screen!!! That would be AWESOME. I wonder if I’ll ever get the chance to see it like that…. (I live in Miami).
    Also, it would be great if it had subtitles in Spanish, so I can show it to my friends in Cuba. I could even talk to the people in the Cinemateca (my dad used to work there) so they can show it in their movie theater. Dear Nina, do you have any plan to put subtitles on it? I would be so great if you did! This is the kind of things they like to watch over there. I showed to another Cuban friend -who understand English- and he went crazy. He says it’s one of his favorite movies ever!
    Best wishes. You are incredibly creative. I hope to meet you someday… in Havana! How would you like that?

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