Over at Techdirt.com, pro-SOPA/PIPA commenters continue to call copying “theft.” Since their main argument for breaking the Internet is fundamentally erroneous, now seems like a good time to re-post this riposte:
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Animator. Director. Artist. Scapegoat.
Over at Techdirt.com, pro-SOPA/PIPA commenters continue to call copying “theft.” Since their main argument for breaking the Internet is fundamentally erroneous, now seems like a good time to re-post this riposte:
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Hey Nina, This is not entirely on topic, but LACMA is advertizing free images from its image database for x-mas cards…curious. (and this is all I know. haven’t researched the “why,” “terms,” etc. regardless, I immediately thought of you.) http://lacma.wordpress.com/
That’s pretty catchy and colorful. I love it 😉
I really hope this is a joke. While the point is made that a copy isn’t stealing. It breaks down in that the copy doesn’t copy the royalties to the original artist/producer/author etc. It is thus an incomplete copy. A full version copy would pay for the use, like when you pay to download a song so that the singer gets a royalty check rather than stealing the royalty from the singer by making an incomplete/pirate copy.
Related to what comes after SOPA and Protect IP, if you haven’t watched this, you should.