This Land Is Mine

I envisioned This Land Is Mine as the last scene of my potential-possible-maybe- feature film, Seder-Masochism, but it’s the first (and so far only) scene I’ve animated. As the Bible says, “So the last will be first, and the first will be last.”

This Land Is Mine from Nina Paley on Vimeo.

Who’s Killing Who? A Viewer’s Guide

Because you can’t tell the players without a pogrom!

Early Man


Early Man
This generic “cave man” represents the first human settlers in Israel/Canaan/the Levant. Whoever they were.




What did ancient Canaanites look like? I don’t know, so this is based on ancient Sumerian art.

Ancient Egyptian



Canaan was located between two huge empires. Egypt controlled it sometimes, and…




….Assyria controlled it other times.




The “Children of Israel” conquered the shit out of the region, according to bloody and violent Old Testament accounts.




Then the Baylonians destroyed their temple and took the Hebrews into exile.





Here comes Alexander the Great, conquering everything!




No sooner did Alexander conquer everything, than his generals divided it up and fought with each other.




Greek descendants of Ptolemy, another of Alexander’s competing generals, ruled Egypt dressed like Egyptian god-kings. (The famous Cleopatra of western mythology and Hollywood was a Ptolemy.)




More Greek-Macedonian legacies of Alexander.


Hebrew Priest

Hebrew Priest
This guy didn’t fight, he just ran the Second Temple re-established by Hebrews in Jerusalem after the Babylonian Exile.


Led by Judah “The Hammer” Maccabee, who fought the Seleucids, saved the Temple, and invented Channukah. Until…




….the Romans destroyed the Second Temple and absorbed the region into the Roman Empire…




….which split into Eastern and Western Empires. The eastern part was called the Byzantine Empire. I don’t know if “Romans” ever fought “Byzantines” (Eastern Romans) but this is a cartoon.





Arab Caliph
Speaking of cartoon, what did an Arab Caliph look like? This was my best guess.




After Crusaders went a-killin’ in the name of Jesus Christ, they established Crusader states, most notably the Kingdom of Jerusalem.

Egyptian Mamluk



Mamluk of Egypt
Wikipedia sez, “Over time, mamluks became a powerful military caste in various Muslim societies…In places such as Egypt from the Ayyubid dynasty to the time of Muhammad Ali of Egypt, mamluks were considered to be “true lords”, with social status above freeborn Muslims.[7]” And apparently they controlled Palestine for a while.


Ottoman Turk


Ottoman Turk
Did I mention this is a cartoon? Probably no one went to battle looking like this. But big turbans, rich clothing and jewelry seemed to be in vogue among Ottoman Turkish elites, according to paintings I found on the Internet.




A gross generalization of a generic 19-century “Arab”.



The British formed alliances with Arabs, then occupied Palestine. This cartoon is an oversimplification, and uses this British caricature as a stand-in for Europeans in general.




The British occupied this guy’s land, only to leave it to a vast influx of….

European Jew/Zionist


European Jew/Zionist
Desperate and traumatized survivors of European pogroms and death camps, Jewish Zionist settlers were ready to fight to the death for a place to call home, but…




….so were the people that lived there. Various militarized resistance movements arose in response to Israel: The Palestinian Liberation Organization, Hamas, and Hezbollah.

State of Israel



Guerrilla/Freedom Fighter/TerroristState of Israel
Backed by “the West,” especially the US, they got lots of weapons and the only sanctioned nukes in the region.


Guerrilla/Freedom Fighter/Terrorist
Sometimes people fight in military uniforms, sometimes they don’t. Creeping up alongside are illicit nukes possibly from Iran or elsewhere in the region. Who’s Next?

Angel of Death




and finally…

The Angel of Death
The real hero of the Old Testament, and right now too.


Note: If you want to support this project, please notice I have Paypal and Flattr buttons. TAX-DEDUCTIBLE donations accepted via the nonprofit


Author: Nina Paley

Animator. Director. Artist. Scapegoat.

1,301 thoughts on “This Land Is Mine”

  1. Thanks for this excellent video of historical conquest!! That successive conquest, depicted in the video, usually meant ethnic cleansing, usually with a religious claim to authority and superiority. The Jews practiced ethnic cleansing according to the Bible. The Jews were ethnically cleansed from Palestine after their rebellion against Rome. The Christians used ethnic cleansing of Jews through anti-semitism and Jewish pograms. The Nazis used ethnic cleansing during World War II through the holocaust. After the State of Israel was created, Israel itself engaged in terrorism against resident rural Arab villages. This was an act of ethnic cleansing, beginning with terrorizing eight hundred thousand Palestinian Arabs to flee to refugee camps including Gaza, then Jordan, and Lebanon. Israel’s conquest of the West Bank and Gaza created an occupation of even more Palestinian refugees that have grown in number to almost two million people living under “apartheid” and siege conditions. This has been an ethnic war against a population. The violation of their human rights and creation of Jewish settlements in the West Bank produced resistance in the form of “intifada” protests and many forms of radical Islam especially in Gaza. Resistance in the form of rockets from Gaza is now the excuse for punishment and continuation of the siege by bombarding and invading Gaza a second time and thereby committing war crimes against civilians under an occupation. Israel faces an historic decision. If it continues on its present course including it’s settlement policy, siege of Gaza, and periodic punishment for resistance in the occupied territories, it may preserve an ethnic Jewish State, but the price will end in protracted war, the death of democracy, and a military totalitarian state. Since under this choice, a two state solution is moot, the only other choice is the application of democracy and human rights to all Palestinians in a single state. This, of course, would mean that Israel would no longer be an ethnic Jewish State but would have to provide religious freedom to all religions. The opposite of ethnic cleansing is human rights for all. I hope Israel will chose human rights for all persons in a single state.

  2. It’s a powerful and sadly timeless work of art, not a rendition of history that anticipates and rebuts arguments. I feel like the last Jew to run into this piece but I may be the first in Boca Raton. Kvelling that I knew the Paleys from doing good works together in Urbana. Glad to have found Nina’s art.

  3. Nina,

    This is brilliant. Thanks so much for your work. How scary it is to realize that this song that used to represent a kind of jewish pride now shows us the stupidity of being unable to live in peace with your neighbors.

  4. Nina,

    This is brilliant. Thanks so much for your work. How scary it is to realize that this song that used to represent a kind of jewish pride now shows us the stupidity of being unable to live in peace with our neighbors.

  5. Really folks = she’s just a brilliant ARTIST showing the GENERAL history of one small (and insignificant) corner of the world. We probably wouldn’t know as much as we do about it if the Egyptians and Sumerians hadn’t been such good ‘accountants.’ Much of the rest of the world has, I suspect, the same style of history – sad to say, Being a ‘holy land’ hasn’t prevented it from being a killing field. That’s what I take away from this. Lighten up on the details – it’s a serious work.

  6. Small nitpick – you left out the Persians, who took over a couple of times in between the Babylonians and the Macedonians.

    Also, the actual ethnic makeup – Canaanite, Hebrew, or later Arab – was often different from that of the conquering empires.

    But otherwise, fantastic video and an enlightening perspective on the history of this most contested land.

    thıs fılm ıs thoroughly supporter of ısraıl. and ıt ıs not showıng who kılled palestıne chıldrenS and BABİES!!!

    by the way:you dıdınt Ä°nvestigate about ottomon empıre very well..your caricature whis is about ottomon soldier iS not true lıke your anımatıon about THIS LAND………..

  8. Nukes would only be a small ‘blip’ on history. It was only ten years before Japanese cities began to come to life again… Only GOD knows the future

  9. P.S. The Middle East has been getting hotter and hotter and dryer and dryer through the centuries.
    Water is running out.. Final victor may be the DESERT…

  10. The video does depict a blooded history to the holder of Ysrael, however, there was never a “Jew” in Ysrael until the mid 20th century. The Hebrew Ysraelites are or never were called Jews. You need to correct that in your thought patterns.

  11. Interesting Nina.
    But looking thru the “Viewer’s Guide” it doesn’t even show the U.S.

  12. Dear Nina:

    I absolutely love “This Land Is Mine”. Beautiful animation, and the message! You have the confidence to tell the truth and that includes America’s involvement!!! The world will ALWAYS host wars. As long as we feed on the greed of money, power and fame. Shame on the U.S. government to say we are not involved!
    I work in the entertainment industry. As far as I’m concerned your short animated film should win an Academy Award. Not that you aimed for that. It’s just that “This Land is Mine” is absolutely powerful. I keep playing it over and over and I’m not the only one!
    Your philosophy on copying is such a fresh and wonderful concept. Yes it is an act of love and flattery. You have a gift; keep on giving us your creativity and change the world!
    Thank you,
    Kanani Wolf

  13. Abraham’s Youth

    I’m white, and Jewish, and American,
    but I refuse to be scared again,
    let’s let the truth be our teacher,
    for I don’t want war either,
    and they say Jews and Arabs have been fighting each other,
    for thousands of years, but we are all brothers,
    we bleed the same blood, share the same father,
    we both want a future of peace for our daughters,
    I doubt Abraham would’ve wanted it this way,
    for his children to fight instead of play,
    our father would surely be upset,
    if he was looking down from up there,
    so I don’t buy the propaganda they’re selling,
    for if true history is to be telling,
    Jews and Arabs lived in harmony,
    underneath the shade of olive trees,
    In Jerusalem kids studied together,
    good books, academic endeavors,
    for hundreds of years,
    without hate or fear,
    only love in our hearts,
    until politics tore us apart,
    in 1948, when the U.N. stepped in,
    with their laws, imperial rule, nuclear weapons,
    divide and conquer Western Machiavellian,
    false profit priest,
    praying to the beast,
    left to right they rewrote the Bible backwards,
    they subtracted good, and added bad words,
    they say it’s prayer, but it’s really evil practice,
    fkcn sorcerer magicians, rabbit in a hat tricks,
    but instead of a rabbit, they pull out a dove,
    “Look, we’ve capitalized off love”,
    or at least the thought of it,
    “here, buy lots of it,”
    “you will be fine,”
    I don’t feel fine,
    I feel like I’m,
    losing touch with divine,
    so I shout with my heart, Where Is The LOVE!
    Come here my brothers, give me a hug,
    put down the guns, let us embrace,
    let us pray together, have some faith,
    Isaac, Ishmael, we are one family,
    let us bless all, all of us actually,
    let us break bread and have peace,
    from The West Coast, to The Far East,
    As-Salaam Alaikum, Wa-Alaikum Salaam,
    Words of the Torah, and the Koran,
    Shalom, Salaam,
    open heart, open palms,
    from out of the dark ages,
    we are the New Dawn,
    rising above,
    with hope and love,
    let there be peace,
    let there be peace…


    Aaron La Lux


  14. Beautiful animation, works so well with the music.

    Elegant in its simplicity and the delivery of a controversial message without passing judgement on any side.

  15. Mamluk soldiers are Kipchaks and Kipchaks are Caucasian and Turkic nation. That’s why some Turks are blonde.

  16. This wonderful animation illustrates the impossibility of the situation in the Middle East. The commentary above reinforces in my mind the conclusion that there will never be peace in the region unless *all* parties (Israel, Palestine, and the greater Arab world)agree that peaceful coexistence in the region (regardless of what political borders any human government or body may declare) is the only solution. Unfortunately, I’m not holding my breath. Only divine intervention or the total destruction of humanity will bring peace to the warring parties of the region. In the meantime, my thoughts are with all those suffering in both Gaza and Israel at the present moment, and I call on both sides to stop being thermonuclear dicks.

  17. Perhaps more to the point, the players through out the ages will repeat the same action and never learn from their mistakes or say to themselves Who is this God that keeps selling this “same land” over and over again??? And promises it to who ever is around, ha ha ha….
    I still think that women would have wisend up to that conclusion, if they had the power and not want to kill each other’s children that they knew how much sacrifice it took to raise.

  18. Awesome video. Just a couple of minor authenticity nits:
    – the European Jew / Zionists shouldn’t be dressed as Hasidim. Indeed many of the Hasidic Jews are anti-Zionists, believing the the State of Israel cannot be declared until the arrival of the Messiah. They should look like farmers with guns. No side locks of hair (peahs). Maybe a six-pointed star to accentuate the point.
    – you’ve got Israeli soldiers sporting AK-47s. Very few IDF soldiers have ever used these. Use either an M-16 or the Israeli-made Uzi or Galil rifles.
    Great work!

  19. Amazing animation, perfect music and a great summary of past, present and future Israel/Palestine

  20. You forget that God said “Thou shalt not kill”. From day one we have continued to break this simple and clear rule. We will continue to sin like this as long as we are alive on this earth, because we share this planet with the evil one, Satan. He wants to KILL,STEAL, and DESTROY. There is good news! Jesus Christ sacrified his life for our redemption! He paid our debt in full. He wants those who accept Him as their savior, to receive the most precious GIFT of all…..everlasting life! Thats right! A brand NEW you. Free from sin. The worries of this world will be gone, we are talking everlasting PEACE! People believe all kinds of media generated garbage, but they turn their backs and harden their hearts to God’s word. Lord I pray for your will to be done!

  21. to Aaron La Lux :

    thank you Aaron La Lux … thank you … you are freeman … we are one family realy… thank you.
    your brother of muslim land.

  22. I can’t stop laughing. Maybe finally I’ve a video hopefully might be able to shout those pro or anti ppls harassing my facebook up.

  23. The twit who wrote this does not know the history of Isreal .and does not believe in the living God JC. Isreal is forever!! Never to be separate, they use they’re people as human shield .Shame on them !!! Google the Son of Hamas, see the enemy !!

  24. Pingback: Videos Of Note
  25. Beautifull (and at same time terrible).
    You told the history without judging who had the reason (if there is a reason).
    You deserve an Oscar.


  26. I really like the video and what can you say about EXODUS….

    Although I haven’t checked the “Correctness” all the way back I do know the current history of Israel pretty well from 1900 on. And I believe NINA is miss-informed about when the Jews began coming in droves into olde Palestine. Zionism as a movement came into being in the early 1900’s particularly after WW1….they began “BUYING” up arab owned land…NOT KILLING THEM AND TAKING IT!!!! There was always a Jewish presence in Palestine. The arabs living in the area were never referred to as Palestinians until the 1960’s when Ara Fat Face came up with the idea…until that point it was the Jews who were the Palestinians until the name change in 1948 and the U.N. Vote!!!

  27. ….ALSO….the European Jews & or Zionists were NOT Ultra Orthodox Jews dressed as pictured they were mostly Secular Jews. The Ultra Orthodox Jews don’t even Recognize Israel “YET” and refuse to fight in the armed forces…they are still waiting for the Messiah to return. The correct look would have been the later depiction of the Israeli’s.

  28. here’s a very short story (235 words) I wrote many years ago :

    There is a vast blackened radioactive plain of obsidian glass.
    Two pilgrims are walking on it – one Muslim and the other Jewish.
    They are each, alone, here to die on their last scared rite of visitation here to this shared Holy
    there is,
    Ground, black and hard and lifeless.
    A blue sky above and far distant shores with nothing else
    But molten nuclear ruin.
    The pilgrims see each other.
    Yells the Muslim and his face contorts in hate as he runs towards him fists raised.
    Screams the Jew and he sprints towards the other enraged.
    They meet and stop just arms length apart.
    They stare in each others faces,
    Each other’s tears and the abominable desolation all around them.
    It was once Jerusalem, Al-Aqsa, the Temple Mount, the Golden Mosque, The Holy Land.
    Transformed into a nuclear desert fatal, lifeless uninhabitable and now
    Known as the Million Year Burn.
    Because that’s how long it’ll be before anyone can live there long again.
    “We .. Us, .. we both caused this!”
    They embrace in a sudden epiphany of shared humanity, shared loss.
    “Too late my brother, if we’d only know God gave this to both our peoples and meant us to *Share* ..”
    And then they die in each others arms.

    ..&, yes, those pilgrims could be a Muslim and a Christian or even Christian and Jewish as well.

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