This Land Is Mine

I envisioned This Land Is Mine as the last scene of my potential-possible-maybe- feature film, Seder-Masochism, but it’s the first (and so far only) scene I’ve animated. As the Bible says, “So the last will be first, and the first will be last.”

This Land Is Mine from Nina Paley on Vimeo.

Who’s Killing Who? A Viewer’s Guide

Because you can’t tell the players without a pogrom!

Early Man


Early Man
This generic “cave man” represents the first human settlers in Israel/Canaan/the Levant. Whoever they were.




What did ancient Canaanites look like? I don’t know, so this is based on ancient Sumerian art.

Ancient Egyptian



Canaan was located between two huge empires. Egypt controlled it sometimes, and…




….Assyria controlled it other times.




The “Children of Israel” conquered the shit out of the region, according to bloody and violent Old Testament accounts.




Then the Baylonians destroyed their temple and took the Hebrews into exile.





Here comes Alexander the Great, conquering everything!




No sooner did Alexander conquer everything, than his generals divided it up and fought with each other.




Greek descendants of Ptolemy, another of Alexander’s competing generals, ruled Egypt dressed like Egyptian god-kings. (The famous Cleopatra of western mythology and Hollywood was a Ptolemy.)




More Greek-Macedonian legacies of Alexander.


Hebrew Priest

Hebrew Priest
This guy didn’t fight, he just ran the Second Temple re-established by Hebrews in Jerusalem after the Babylonian Exile.


Led by Judah “The Hammer” Maccabee, who fought the Seleucids, saved the Temple, and invented Channukah. Until…




….the Romans destroyed the Second Temple and absorbed the region into the Roman Empire…




….which split into Eastern and Western Empires. The eastern part was called the Byzantine Empire. I don’t know if “Romans” ever fought “Byzantines” (Eastern Romans) but this is a cartoon.





Arab Caliph
Speaking of cartoon, what did an Arab Caliph look like? This was my best guess.




After Crusaders went a-killin’ in the name of Jesus Christ, they established Crusader states, most notably the Kingdom of Jerusalem.

Egyptian Mamluk



Mamluk of Egypt
Wikipedia sez, “Over time, mamluks became a powerful military caste in various Muslim societies…In places such as Egypt from the Ayyubid dynasty to the time of Muhammad Ali of Egypt, mamluks were considered to be “true lords”, with social status above freeborn Muslims.[7]” And apparently they controlled Palestine for a while.


Ottoman Turk


Ottoman Turk
Did I mention this is a cartoon? Probably no one went to battle looking like this. But big turbans, rich clothing and jewelry seemed to be in vogue among Ottoman Turkish elites, according to paintings I found on the Internet.




A gross generalization of a generic 19-century “Arab”.



The British formed alliances with Arabs, then occupied Palestine. This cartoon is an oversimplification, and uses this British caricature as a stand-in for Europeans in general.




The British occupied this guy’s land, only to leave it to a vast influx of….

European Jew/Zionist


European Jew/Zionist
Desperate and traumatized survivors of European pogroms and death camps, Jewish Zionist settlers were ready to fight to the death for a place to call home, but…




….so were the people that lived there. Various militarized resistance movements arose in response to Israel: The Palestinian Liberation Organization, Hamas, and Hezbollah.

State of Israel



Guerrilla/Freedom Fighter/TerroristState of Israel
Backed by “the West,” especially the US, they got lots of weapons and the only sanctioned nukes in the region.


Guerrilla/Freedom Fighter/Terrorist
Sometimes people fight in military uniforms, sometimes they don’t. Creeping up alongside are illicit nukes possibly from Iran or elsewhere in the region. Who’s Next?

Angel of Death




and finally…

The Angel of Death
The real hero of the Old Testament, and right now too.


Note: If you want to support this project, please notice I have Paypal and Flattr buttons. TAX-DEDUCTIBLE donations accepted via the nonprofit


Author: Nina Paley

Animator. Director. Artist. Scapegoat.

1,301 thoughts on “This Land Is Mine”

  1. Rachel,
    I do agree with most things you are saying. history shows that no other nation has more roots in this land than the jewish people.
    BUT, history is still history, and there is a present to deal with. It is still a fact that today, there are arabs who claim for this piece of land as well…
    The jews have their legitimate right to self determination just like any one else, but if they want to live there peacefully and have a real future in this region, they would have to find a way to communicate with the arabs around them.
    The 2 states sulotion is the only possible one.
    Just to be clear, i DO NOT critisize your country. I live in TLV for 3 years now and love it!
    I know most israelis do accept the 2 states sulotion, and all of your prime ministers and governments in the last 20 years confirmed it.
    As a foreign living in Israel I also know that Israel made real efforts to promote this kind of sulotion, and was the only part of this conflict who made specific oferrs to achieve an agreement(By Barak in 2000, and Olmert in 2008, both were rejected by the palestinian leadership). I can also agree that while you voted over and over again for leaders who spoke about their vision of peace (Rabin, peres, barak, olmert, livni… forgot anyone?), your neighbors voted for hammas who doesn’t recognise Israel’s basic right to exist. I truly do understand your point of you, but it leads to no where.
    Instead of focusing on what happend, try to use this energy to get to know your neighbors, try to find common things you have together. and you might convince them that the violence and jihad they use against your country since 1948 just doesn’t work. make them also believe they have no alternative but accepting you as neighbors.
    leave the past, try to look forward 🙂

  2. first, I like this movie a lot.
    Not that it is any way important, but just for the historic accuracy:
    1. Betwin babylonian and greek there were the persian, led by Xarex, who conquered all of babylonian empire.
    2. Roman and byzantine never fought over Israel, I’m almost sure of that.
    3. During 8th century, meaning the byzantine period, there where another war with the persians in Israel.
    4. During arab Khaliph period there where a changes of Khaliphs betwin Umayah and Itab, which included yet another bloody war.
    5. Before Mamluk took over the land, Ayubian from egypt fought fiercely with the crusaders and practically cut the crusaders kingdom in Judea to half, leaving the europeans only the mediterenian shore to rule. Saladin is the guy who led them.
    6. during the rule of Ottoman empire, arabs (especially beduin) fought a lot with the ottoman, but never did succeed in overthrowing them.

    Yet, still, this are minor details. The movie encapsulate the important facts and shows it beautifuly, thakn you!

  3. tobias,
    no, this video shows that jews, like most of other nations, where not the first of the land that they claim as theirs. And it’s normal for our planet, it’s history.

  4. @tobias

    yes you are basicly right. but how can you make peace with savages who won’t except your existence, not only in your home land but on the face of the earth?
    the ones who need a change are them, they need to stop educating theur children towards hatred. Israel has done enought, we can not do anymore or come any further towards peace without our destruction.

    it’s like Golda meir (a femal Israeli PM in the 70’s) once said:
    “Peace will come when the Arabs will love their children more than they hate us”.

  5. Dear Rachel, thanks to Nina you are harvesting some attention, but you obviously lack a few marbles here and there and are turning into a travesty if not having been so from the start. You had me laugh out real loud this morning, whilst reading the following lines from your comment.

    “just so you know how much the arabs are disconnected from the truth, the arabs don’t even have the letter “P” in their ABC’s, they can’t even pronounce the word correctly (they say “F” instead)- Felestine.”

    You have to be kidding, right? You can’t be serious. Or are you?

    And you consider yourself educated and successful in your Hebrew comment (if my translator tool works fine), trying to belittle someone else for his flawed spelling? You make quite a bundle of spelling errors yourself, dear, because “wish” is not spelled “whish”, “everything” is not “everytthing”, to name just a few examples.

    But flawed spelling would be the least of all worries. You made a derogatory remark about the Arab alphabet and it lacking a “p” (there’s no “v” either). You use it as an argument that Arabs, by lacking the letter “p” in their alphabet, are disconnected from the truth? What truth? Let me ask you this then, Rachel. How do you pronounce the word “alphabet”? And again, what truth do you mean? Because I also have a word for you you can’t possible pronounce correctly: gedragsstoornis.

    Other statements you make do convince me you have been severely brainwashed yourself. For the entire world to kiss freedom goodbye if Israel should fall? You have to be kidding. But you’re obviously not.

    Ask any random member of Shministim whether they feel they were born in a democracy or land of freedom… why subject one’s younger generations to situations that will mark or taint the rest of their lives? Have you seen the movie To See If I’m Smiling made by Tamar Yarom, or read anything by Avigail Abarbanel?

    Nina Paley’s video is thought provoking from a perspective that can only be appraised, especially if one really wants to learn or move forward. Someone else here mentions that efforts to make peace have only come from Israeli side and that everyone on the Palestinian side voted for Hamas. I have been closely following various developments from direct sources “in both camps” and as an outsider, I can only hope someday there can be a true agreement working for everyone. Also, for those who think black n white and that every Palestinian votes for Hamas (?), look into the trouble the Bethlehem University encounters, how its students, who are Palestinian, non-muslim (Christian) are harassed by IDF soldiers at check points. I have met several of these students and tutors, listened and spoken to them.

    Furthermore, there is no such thing as “the Jewish people” as a whole, a united people totally in sinc and on the same page. There are at least a dozen of varieties, diversities in perception. Zionists, secular Jews (only in it for the fun food and jokes), religious Jews (from orthodox to modern religious), by ethnicity, Sephardic (Spanish and Portugese descent), Ashkenazi (medieval European German and later Russian descent) and also Mizrahi (Middle East, North Africa), which is all fascinating if one is interested in Culture and Anthropology.

  6. Very nice movie and very good music.
    I think that the Assyrians took the land from the Israelites and the latter took it from the Canaanites/Sea Peoples/Egyptians(?). This is what written in the Bible and accepted by most scholars.

    Hezbollah – Shiite Terrorist/Militia organization sponsored by Iran.

    Thanks for the movie 🙂

  7. Hey! What about the Persians??? They conquered the land on several occasions. Not mentioning them is an insult to the great Persian nation and the revolutionary guards will not tolerate that.
    Besides that, there were also some Mongols and others that you missed…
    Frankly, you could pretty much do the same with every piece of land on the face of this planet. The relative uniqueness of this land is that we have a great deal of subjective historical knowledge because of the “brutal, violent, barbaric, gut twisting old testament accounts” and because the “Channukah inventing, desperate and traumatized “Children of Israel”” managed to pass on these accounts throughout the millennia.
    The “angels” of shallow rhetoric, defamation, libel and demagogy prosper in this land like no other, but facts show that the angel of death spends a hell of a lot more time in other lands (including California where murder rate is double that of Israel). The numbers are well known to the people that bother to check.
    Lastly, This is land is mine.

  8. @tobias

    “if they want to live there peacefully and have a real future in this region, they would have to find a way to communicate with the arabs around them.”

    But the thing is, Israel had tried and tried very hard to do just that. One can not *make* someone else accept him, it is also up to the other side you know.
    Israel had given up Sinai twice. it has opened relations with Egypt and concluded economical relations with this country. However at the same time their media is portraying Jews as infant killers sadistic demons. The Egyptian people roam the streets calling for the destruction of Israel and are trying to break into the Israeli embassy. That’s just one example for you.

    You must understand that there is a limit to what Israel can do in other countries. It doesn’t matter what Israel really does but what is portrayed in their national media, what is taught in their schools and what is passed on by the parents. which has nothing to do with reality.

    and finally:

    “The 2 states sulotion is the only possible one.”

    Why? and Why now, and not in 100 or 500 years?
    You’re just throwing it around like there has to be an obvious and immediate solution, disregarding history has proven that is extremely rarely the case.
    The usual answer I get usually amounts to “because of reasons”.

  9. Rachel:

    “yes you are basicly right. but how can you make peace with savages who won’t except your existence, not only in your home land but on the face of the earth?”

    Um. Didn’t _you_ just make multiple posts denying the existence of the Palestinian people, or indeed the right of any Arab to call the territory their homeland?

    There’s more than enough sin to go around. Yes, the Angel of Death is greatful for his servants’ willingness to sacrifice each other.

  10. Rachel: If I have learned anything in life, it is that you can’t go around expecting other people to change to suit what you have decided you want, because you will die of old age waiting. Nor can you force other people to change…well, except when the change you want them to make is to stop living.

    I think you have largely missed the point that what this gorgeous video shows is people killing people. Sure, some of those people have different clothing, and weaponry, and allegiances, as shown by their clothing and the colours, shapes, and symbols on it, but they all bleed the same shade of red. I didn’t readily identify these groups of people – I came to this blog to find out who they were supposed to be, as they all look much of a muchness to me…WHICH THEY ARE.

    They are all people with hearts, two lungs, four limbs (on average, at least initially) and the mistaken belief that they have any claim over an area of land which has changed hands as many times as this. Did you not understand why all the characters sing in the same voice, making the same justification for their claim to the same land? Everyone thinks it’s theirs, and that’s yet another similarity between y’all.

    Israelis are people, and so are Arabs. Peace will come when you realise that you’re not Israelis, or Arabs, or Muslims, or Jews, but people.

  11. Also, from my neck of the woods:
    He aha te mea nui? He tangata. He tangata. He tangata.

    Which means this:
    What is the most important thing? It is people, it is people, it is people.

  12. Hi there,
    very cool video, very cool music, however, there are some mistakes like:
    1. the British took the land from the Turks (WW1), not from the Arabs.
    2. there were always Jews in Israel (for example, google the 1929 hebron massacre)
    3. the “State of Israel” was established in 1948, the PLO in 1964 (Hamas/Hezbollah, much later).
    4. the “Palestinian people” was created around the 1960’s, until than they were plain “Arabs”.

    all this information can be found online.


  13. The God’s Land is the death land? Religion has to be superable. We need to evolution. We need to be humans. Fuck off this shit land!

  14. Randy McDonald:

    “There’s more than enough sin to go around. Yes, the Angel of Death is greatful for his servants’ willingness to sacrifice each other.”

    Too bad there is one side in this conflict that goes as far as risking their own men to safeguard the others’ civilians. There is one side which informs the other before an attack so that civilians could be evacuated, While the other side forces civilians to their military assets to protect them.


    Such a long long post, so few few references to and information. I guess when you lack facts on your side badmouthing is all that’s left.

    unfortunately for you there is in fact no letter ‘P’ in Palestinian Alphabet, they use ‘B’ or ‘F’ instead. That doesn’t mean Arabic is inferior (while did you decide that? there is no language that has all possible pronunciations), just that historically the nowadays Palestinians have no connection to the land they claim (in fact, to those interested in history, originally the name Palestinians belongs to the Greek sea seafarers dating to before BC).
    It changes not that today there is a such a nation, however it is important to understand their roots, which is not from Israel but from all over the surrounding Arab countries. Before the Jew started to come back to what is now Israel in the end of the 19th century this land was mostly deserted, the Arabs who came to Israel did so because the Jews were paying good money. It is not a hidden truth, actually the Palestinians acknowledge that themselves:

  15. Hey Nina,

    Love the movie and respect the ensuing discussion.

    Because it seems that the movie is so well-researched, the discussion has mostly not de-generated into religion-bashing.

    This story of strife and blood-shed is the story of every country, at some point or the other, but nothing can compare to the ‘blessed (or cursed) land’.

    I also tend to believe that God messed up the land and only s/he has a solution to it!

  16. Gina:

    ” Also, for those who think black n white and that every Palestinian votes for Hamas ”

    Not every Palestinian. only 95% :-). That is fact.

    ” look into the trouble the Bethlehem University encounters, how its students, who are Palestinian, non-muslim (Christian) are harassed by IDF soldiers at check points.”

    Oh I’m sorry, but lets review that unimportant thing you don’t like called history. Till the beginning of the 2000’s IDF roadblocks numbered few to none, hundreds of thousands Palestinians were working inside the “green line” and many Israelis were going to Palestinian cities and markets for trading. one could travel anywhere between the sea and the Jordan river without been stopped no matter if they are called David or Ahmed. Then the second intifada came along hundreds of bombings in coffee shops, restauranteurs, buses, malls, hotels and hospitals leaving over 1500 Jews dead. to prevent this from going on the checkpoints were implemented.
    It’s a simple equation really. no boom boom = no checkpoints.

    “Furthermore, there is no such thing as “the Jewish people” as a whole…”

    by the same standards there are no such thing as British, French, Arab, Farsi, or Palestinian people either, or any other. so why should we define a word in a way that has no meaning? ask Gina.

  17. Don’t mean to be a nitpicker, but can you take out one of the 3 types of Hellenic Greeks and put the Persians after the Babylonians?

  18. So the video was great, but we’re right and they’re wrong, so it wasn’t historically accurate. If they would be right, then we’d have to be wrong, and that’s impossible (right?).

    See, you seem to be saying that the whachmacal’emians have a right to this land. The truth is, this land is MINE, god gave it to ME!

    Let’s take you on a tour through history:
    A long time ago, Saher Ayun went to Mt.Sinai AKA Sand Mountain, or Dune, and forged the one ring of power. He was threatening with war and death and stuff. So Moses, AKA Eshel Dor, defeated him, and brought freedom to Mid Earth, Israel. But he didn’t destroy the ring of power, and so he got lost and died somewhere unknown, leaving the ring lost as well. It re-appeared lately, when Boris Begin found it lying around in the empty deserted planet of Tatuin, that he was settling in with his pioneer friends. His nephew, Froy’ke Begin, has to travel to the Dune to destroy it. It won’t be easy, ’cause Saher Ayun has returned, and he want’s it back!

    He’re is where I’ll mention that everybody here is wrong, the Israelis didn’t fight with M-16’s nor with AK-47’s, they fought with Light Sabers! You must understand, it’s always been Amaleq, AKA the dark side of the force fighting with us, and it’s still Amaleq to this very day. We must defeat them, and restore order and peace to the galaxy.

    BTW, Medinat Weimar is not a solution,that’s what Saul did when he didn’t kill Agag. We Must defeat the Dark Side, led by Saher Ayun the descendant of Haman, who is himself the descendant of Agag.

  19. I’ve been teaching your work for several years in my college class, Mythology in Literature. I think Sita Sings the Blues is one of the greatest animations of all time. And this new piece is fantastic. everyone I have shared it with winds up ROTFL. and then, THINKING. Great when that happens.
    As a person who met Joseph Campbell and who has been teaching his concepts of mythology and belief for three decades (“all religions are true; NONE are literal.” Doesn’t that fix a great deal of the problem all by itself?), the only possible answer to the ‘question’ of whose land belongs to whom (and I’m not saying anyone will LIKE this answer, but it’s an answer) is the Netherlands option: build a huge dike out to the west in the Mediterranean, drain it, and say ‘ok, HERE. More land. Now shut up.’

  20. Gina,Gina,

    Have you been swallowing the propaganda we feed the world??
    95% of Palestinians voted Hamas, for sure and a smiley and a fact.
    How about a real FACT,_2006
    So alright, one down more to go only 50% did.

    Israeli checkpoints, yes before 2000 there were no checkpoints
    and Palestinians did the dirty work of Israel, cleaning, construction and all the farm jobs. At the same time they cannot vote and all Israelis said. Oh man that was a crap job you did there “an arab job”. So maybe they did not like being third rate citizens.

    Tell me exactly how are the Palestinians supposed to fight Israel ? with words ? maybe talk us to death or peace ?

    Regarding the last point you are right, there is “technically” no such thing as the Jewish people as a whole and there were no Israelis before 1900s and no Palestinians. However these days there are both and they are breeding.

    So hopefully some accord will come and not the usual propaganda.

  21. Tobias,

    you’ve managed to sum up things probably in the best way I’ve read to date.

    Unfortunately the future seems grim as both sides are now unlikely to accept each other.

  22. Nina wrote: “There is nothing in the film that identifies the nukes with Iran. The ‘Terrorist/Freedom Fighter/Guerrilla’ is not an Iranian.”

    You have encapsulated my issue with your video in this sentence. I did watch it carefully. Why do you associate nuclear weapons with terrorist and guerillas at all? It makes no sense; nuclear weapons are weapons of leverage used by large nation-states to get what you want. No terrorist has ever used one. For you to put the nuclear weapons on the side of *any* terrorists/freedom fighters is essentially misleading. I still can’t see my way clear to supporting this, but as I mentioned earlier, I don’t think you can be held accountable for how everyone reads your work. There are some things on which reasonable people can disagree. In my opinion this video misrepresents the situation in a way that plays into the hands of alarmists.

  23. To READ and comprehend what’s written or stated by those who drop comments in here, takes a little more time then just glimpse and jump to conclusions. Just A Dream, it was miss Rachel who assessed for the Arab alphabet to be somewhat inferior for it lacking the “p”. She somehow concludes because their ABC’s (her words) has no “p”, the Arabs are disconnected from the truth. I love detours in thought processes, but would sure appreciate a manual in this one 😉

    And where did I say or claim that history is unimportant? Mentioning the Christian Palestinian factor is important, because in general, people think it’s a religious issue between Muslims and Jews, as in, Muslims who want to rule the world (Rachel mentions it a couple of times too) and annihilate Jews and everyone else who might oppose Islam. The Christian Palestinian students aren’t Muslims and just want to study and be able to build a normal life like anyone else, but they are targeted anyway, humiliated, and hindered when trying to be in time for their exams. Are these Christian citizens a threat to the state of Israel? Are they (seen as future) terrorists? I supposed we all know or understand the issues in the area are complex. And I also think the majority of people commenting here are YOUNG. All the better. Because it means you will learn. One way or another. We all learn, every day. How about this? The state of Israel discriminates against their own, because there are also Christian Jews, or the Messianic Jews who arose about the same time people say Arabs started calling themselves Palestinians. Just google it and look for articles or videoclips.

    The state of Israel does a lot more than just wage wars against Palestinians, or defend themselves against attacks of Muslims with an annihilation fixation. They do what a lot of other western countries do as well, they want to handle the number of refugees in their country, or are handling it, again, like others do too. By discriminating.

    If you google for Israel Social TV, which is an independent media company in Tel Aviv, you can see what REAL life in Israel is about. From a cultural-social perspective. One that puts people in the frame, not ideology or religion or delusions.

    And what Maddy says, absolutely. It’s about people. The need and desire to have a defined identity of their own, referring to the Palestinians, it’s a simple and basic human thing. The same can be said for the Israeli’s and some Jewish people, but I somehow often think they suffer this huge post traumatic stress disorder and keep on milking it and worse, feeding it to their offspring. Of course, the same can be said about young Palestinians growing up with hatred against Israel because their family got killed, their houses got raided and bombed etc etc.

    War is nothing but an ugly face, the same ugly face everywhere on this planet.

    The Arava Institute shows there are efforts, joint efforts, by Jews, Arabs and other nations to work towards a future. They actually are focused on the land and its (limited) resources, the land in the region we call the Middle East.

  24. Gina,

    “The need and desire to have a defined identity of their own, referring to the Palestinians, it’s a simple and basic human thing. The same can be said for the Israeli’s and some Jewish people, but I somehow often think they suffer this huge post traumatic stress disorder and keep on milking it and worse, feeding it to their offspring.”

    There are a few things I find offensive in this quote:

    1) I agree the need for identity is a basic human issue, therefore when you write “and some Jewish people” I feel you have excluded the Jewish people from all humanity with the mention of “some”. Perhaps you meant something else, and I would ask you to clarify.

    2) I can’t verify to the extent some Jews “milk” the post-traumatic stress disorder thing, but I can tell you, as a Jew living in New York City, with a large Jewish population,I have experienced enough things to be quite cautious about the level of acceptance Jews have. For example, seeing a host of middle school kids walk past a yeshiva in broad daylight, and demonstrate a complete lack of shame in bullying adults in such a hostile way. This sort of behavior does not come out of a vacuum. I find your generalization offensive because it does not leave room for the very real anti-semitism that exists, and, I believe, is growing.

  25. Rachel, I never knew that the truth; the ultimate truth is written in the ABC alphabets. That is profusely enlightening. I’ll go on pronounce it as Filistine. Filistine will always be in my heart. Even if I can’t pronounce it in the sacred letters o he ABCs.

    THEY DESTROYED HALF OF THE WORLD. She did not included because she is american whore can’t withstand truth.

  27. ריצ’ל עכשיו אני במתח, את באמת כוסית?
    אפילו כוסית-על?

    תעשי לי ילדים…

  28. Great Video,but there is mistake that is very insulting as jew (not from europe).
    Not only the european jews was Zionists,but jews from all the word.
    please fix it.

  29. @ Randy McDonald: ” Didn’t _you_ just make multiple posts denying the existence of the Palestinian people, or indeed the right of any Arab to call the territory their homeland?” NO I DIDN’T. have you ever seen the ME map? the arabs have soooo much land (22 arab countries, 50 muslim). and no they don’t have a conection to the holey land, since they are nomads brought here at the middle of 19th century, from all around the arab world, under the ottoman and then the GB occupation.
    i have no problem for them to stay here as long as they don’t deny my right to be here (but they do).
    you brobably are awere already, that islam is taking a hold of the world, using democracy and freedom of speech to ruien democracy and freedom of speech.

  30. You forgot so many nations that thought about israel…
    hiti, girgashi, (all parts of cnaan) but the hiti ruled israel almost 7 thousands years ago, what about ashor, amon ? paras?
    and in the last 50 years, you have egypt, sorya, jarden, lebanon, hamas, iraq that went to a war and sent 1000 tanks, iran, hisballa,
    My suess is that there are between 30-50 nations who ruled israel or died trying to rule israel…

  31. @ Gina:
    it is clear to me that you are an entisematic. you are an extreem leftist who has been brainwashed so bad you forget all reason & logic.

    i see it very clear – good vs. evil. 21th century vs. the middle ages. freedom and democracy vs. sharia law. women rights vs. women Circumcision. now GUESS who is who and on what side do you want to be.
    it is as simple as that!

    i don’t know who you are, but i’m on the other hand, am an ADV. (IV league UNI’) specializing in International law and ME history.
    you have been reading the wrong stuff! please listen to this former muslim woman telling the truth about the ME, Arabs and Jews.

    there are many like her.

    all i have to say to you dear (the rest have been said by others), is that WHAN THE TRUTH HURTS-THE LIERS SCREAM. and that’s exactly what you are doing – screaming.

  32. @ gina:

    one more thing:
    there very few christian arabs. they often get the same terror the jews get and they are so much better of living under israel’s democracy then under muslim dictatorship. look at what happens to christians in egypt and in other muslim countries, they are being Persecuted until they convert.

    if you never been to israel you can’t be so sure that your brainwashed ideas are correct.…48775.72949.0.73161.…0.0…1ac.1.vce7vVGX99A&has_verified=1

    i can’t see how peace can be, unless they stop doing this.

  33. For all of you who know nothing about religions, or about the Muslim religion, if you don’t believe in god (since only stupid, pathetic and primitive people do) or if you are 100% sure that you won’t change your whole life because of a stupid book, I recommend reading the Korean,
    Only then you will understand what the world needs to deal with.
    The Korean clearly says that a Muslim cannot be governed by none Muslim no matter where it is, Europe, Israel, USA… and if he is governed by none Muslim he should fight to the death be shaid and kill the none Muslims.
    Beside you need to have religious background to understand what it means to be brained washed and fanatic, it’s nothing like being christen.
    So people stop living in your own dream of perfect world. The world is not perfect, is filled with primitive and pathetic stupid people who believe in ridicules god that have been entirely created by them, from god emotions (angry, revenge) to the fact that there is only one true god and so on…
    With IQ of above 170, I think all of the problems in the world comes because man are stupid.

  34. The jewsih ruled israel for more than 1300 years, which they fought against many nations who tried to kill them.

  35. The “Ottoman Turk representation” looks like a South Asian or a significantly Negroid-admixed Arab or Berber in complexion. Only a Gypsy can be so dark in complexion in Anatolia and the Balkans. Several other representation complexions, too, are terribly chosen.

  36. The Persians, with Jews tagging along conquered Jerusalem from the Byzantines. Now, it seems that the Persians and the Jews are at each other’s throats. Oh, how things change.

  37. @ everybody (and for Gina):

    In the state of Israel or on Eretz Israel territories there is not 1 Arab who doesn’t have an Arab homeland.
    The Arabs infiltrated and penetrated to the land of Israel under the ottoman and British conquest, but still it doesn’t make the Arabs there the landlords or Sovereign.
    Open the world map, And you will find that the territory of the 22 Arab nations is even bigger than that of the entire European continent, and that the territory of the 56 Muslim states covers 1/3 of earth. A huge area full of resources of oil and wealth beyond your wildest dreams.
    So, seemingly it’s really ok that the Jewish people will have their own teeny tiny land without having to share it with another Arab Muslim ation, isn’t it?
    Let me tell you a few words about your so called “Palestinian” people. They are not real Made-up, they are a Muslim fiction which it’s only goal is one – to Conquer and occupy the land of Israel.

    Now lets start with the name “Palestine”:
    The Romans who conquered the land of Israel called it the “province of Palestine” in the name of red hair European Seafarers who arrived from Europe and dwelt in the coastal Israeli cities.
    These people had vanished from the area about 1600 years before Muhammad was even born.
    The Arabs which originated from the Arab peninsula had no connection the European red haired Philistines – no genetic, religious, cultural, historical or geographical connection.
    If the Romans would have called the land of Israel Switzerland would that make them Swiss?

    And in everything that has to do with the land of Israel:
    Choose any historical documentation, any historical map, any known and respected historian by the international community, to show us when were there ever, in the human history, a state or a country called “Palestine”, when ever in history were there ever people called “Palestinians” or the Palestinian people? Who are they? Where did they come from? And what is their connection to the land of Israel?
    I can’t find not a single detail anywhere in the world, including in the writings of Arab and Muslim scholars and researchers to confirm or affirm any connection of a so called Palestinian people to the land of Israel.
    Even in the Qur’an it is said that the land of Israel is the land of the people of Israel.
    There is a British documentation from the mandate and an ottoman documentation from the Ottoman Empire times, which shows all of the conquests and occupations that were in Israel thru out the times, and not a single reference to any people called Palestinians or to a “Palestinian state”.
    So if you find ANY records (which is not part of a post factum “Palestinian” historical fact changing propaganda) to the existence of these so called Palestinians in the land of Israel, we can start talking more seriously, we have something to begin from, some base to the Arab claims.
    The facts are that the so called Palestinian people are nothing but an Accidental cluster of tribes and Phalanges from all around the Arab-Muslim world, who hate each other almost as much as they hate Jews. THE ONLY THING THAT UNITES THEM IS THEIR HATRED TOWARDS THE JEWS! And this is a poor base on which they want to establish a nation on.

    In 1948 the number of Arabs in the land of Israel was the same as the number of Jews in Arab nations. The 20th century was a century of a mass immigration and population exchange worldwide – the Jews from all Arab nations (and Europe) immigrated to their homeland of Israel (mostly due to repeated persecutions), but the Arabs who came here under the ottoman and the Brit’s, didn’t return as they should have, to their homelands in northern Africa, Saudi and the Arab peninsula. Not only they didn’t return, but they kept on infiltrating and illegally immigrating to the land of Israel, so no Jews could have the smallest piece of land in the world. (everything should be Muslim land right? Even Europe and America).
    In fact the Palestinians already have a Palestinian country in Jordan (80% there call themselves that), but they want 3 Palestinian countries – 1. Jordan, 2. The territories of JUDEA Samaria and Gaza, 3. The land of Israel – since the Israeli Arabs call themselves “Palestinians” and want to bring their brothers and sisters to occupy and immigrate there, until the Jews will become a minority in their land And Israel will also become Palestine. NOTHING SEEMS TO BE ENOUGH FOR THEM ha?.

    During the years the Arabs have adopted the Jewish ethos which is the holiness of Jerusalem and the biblical right of return to the homeland. They have built a mosque on top of the holiest Jewish site of temple mount (a common Muslim practice these days in the world), but their holy city is in fact Mecca and not Jerusalem (the pray with their ass towards Jerusalem). They have a right of return only to their Arab nations and not to Israel/Zion.
    To summarize this, I refer you to a book by Mark twain called “The Holy Land Excursion” (1867) in which he describes his travel thru the holy land at that time, and describes that the land was empty and abandoned, no Arab villages, or cities, no nothing and certainly no “Palestinians”. The holy land was full of swamps, cholera, fever and sands. So you see, everything that there is now in Israel, this heavenly democratic western and technological beauty, was built and inspired by the Jewish Genius, after 1948. SO IT’S NO WOUNDER THAT THE ARABS WANT it AND ARE COVETING IT.

    The Arabs themselves and their leaders even admit that the Palestinians were invented so the Jewish state will be ruined:

    please watch this video where Azmi Bishara says the truth about them:

    and please read about the PLO’s Ten Point Program to destroy Israel:

    NO peace can be with them, since their definition of peace is the same as Hitler’s – KILL the Jews, take over the world.

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