This Burning Bush might be a genetically modified soy plant. That’s what happens when you interpret Torah in Central Illinois.
Animator. Director. Artist. Scapegoat.
This Burning Bush might be a genetically modified soy plant. That’s what happens when you interpret Torah in Central Illinois.
:))) Should be a kind of visual comment to Torah 🙂
The burning bush perhaps refer to the actual plant Euonymus Alatus or “EA”…
Translated the scientific name means: Euonymus, “GOOD NAME” and Alatus, “Elevated or HIGH”– or biblically the HIGH / Elevated GOOD NAME or Good Name Above (other names)… Enki/EA is the Sumerian creator-god of the ancient Atra Hasis Creation of Mankind epic… when Moses asks the name of the god sending him to liberate captive Israel the Burning Bush i.e. EA responds “Eh-yA asher Eh-Ya” — I am E-A… at least that’s what I think…