That’s not a bug, it’s a feature!

This week I am intensively studying Anime Studio Pro because Victor “El Maestro” Paredes is visiting from Chile.

Anime Studio handles shapes and lines and curves and points differently than Flash. In particular if a shape crosses over itself it makes a “hole.” There are many ways to “fix” this but I think it’s cool, and made a crudely animated exercise that relies on that behavior:

Try not to mind my imperfect animation, right now I’m just trying to get the hang of this new, very different tool.


My first solo Art Quilt Show Opens June 15 at Sleepy Creek Vineyards

Mark yer calendars! My first Art Quilt Show opens June 15 at Sleepy Creek Vineyards in hip, happenin’ rural-area-between-Urbana-and-Danville, IL.

Nina Paley Art Quilt Show 2013

Art Quilts will be on the walls June 15-September 15, 2013

Opening: June 15
Reception: 6pm
Screening of Sita Sings the Blues: 8pm

Sleepy Creek Vineyards is three miles south of Oakwood, Illinois, just off Interstate 74 between Danville and Champaign, IL.
Address:  8254 E 1425 North Rd., Fairmount, IL 61841
Phone: 217-733-0330

Want to see the place? Sleepy Creek has a funny webseries you can watch right now! My favorite is episode 6, it cracks me up.


More Tile Fun

morphing tiles colormorphing tiles black and whitemorphing tiles outline

With a few adjustments the tiles can morph vertically as well as horizontally. I might prefer the just-horizontal version, but I’m not sure.

In some ways I prefer the black and white to the color. When it’s just outlines your mind can interpret shapes any number of ways. When a fill color is added they get restricted a little. With additional colors they get more locked into regions.

This is such a good project to work on while I have insomnia. Or maybe it’s causing the insomnia.
