

I’m almost finished animating Sita Sings the Blues. I haven’t been posting images of the latest scenes, based on my own misadventures in love, so here’s one for ya. It depicts “Nina” months after being dumped by her husband by email, while similar events are analyzed by a shadow puppet voiced by Manish Acharya. Because the film is now 80 minutes long, I am omitting a song. I was going to have a composer sweeten it up and make it more pop-y, but I kind of like it as is (I “made” it myself! Thanks iTunes and Audio Hijack Pro!). It is about what everyone asks compulsively when their love fails. You won’t hear it in the film, it’s a ninapaley.com exclusive!



“Don’t be embarrassed. Especially if you write humor….We all have our kinks (I’ve got all their albums!), our weirdness, our neurosis and our strange ideas–God knows you could fill a city with mine–but most people are afraid to admit to them for fear of being laughed at. Well, you’re writing humor, so that’s the point?….My whole life I’ve hated conformity and everybody trying to act like everybody else. You know what? Act and write like who you are. Don’t be ashamed of yourself. Your wierdness is what makes you special. Share it. Embrace it. If someone doesn’t like it or is offended by it, then fuck them. Why would you want to be friends with a flat out asshole like that anyway?”

Marty Wombacher


Enemies of the Muse

At a Platform Festival panel on intellectual property, I heard Rick Prelinger – filmmaker, founder of the Prelinger Archive and archive.org – warn animators against “internalizing the permission culture.” I’d never heard it phrased that way, but I can dig it. This morning I’ve been ruminating on this and other “enemies of creativity.” They are:
Continue reading “Enemies of the Muse”
