I found another way to make bicolor morphing tiles in Flash, that didn’t make it crash all the time. Plus it animates!
Here is the single tile it’s made from:
Animator. Director. Artist. Scapegoat.
With a few adjustments the tiles can morph vertically as well as horizontally. I might prefer the just-horizontal version, but I’m not sure.
In some ways I prefer the black and white to the color. When it’s just outlines your mind can interpret shapes any number of ways. When a fill color is added they get restricted a little. With additional colors they get more locked into regions.
This is such a good project to work on while I have insomnia. Or maybe it’s causing the insomnia.
I had assumed animating Islamic tiles would be a big complicated endeavor but it only took a few hours of messing around in Flash to figure it out. I just made a half-equilateral-triangle mask and tiled it, then made a fairly simple animation underneath:
Obviously all kinds of variations can be made from here. If only I had tried this earlier!
The reason this is a Big Deal for me, is I didn’t know how easy it would be to tile squares with hexagons. I thought if I made a hex-based system like this I’d just get hexagons and equilateral triangles, not squares. But look – there are squares all over the place!
Hieroglyphs are an important design element in Egyptian painting. To make my Egypt scenes look right, I’ll need to include some as decoration. So today I made myself an abridged “alphabet” in Flash. What I didn’t expect was how much fun it is to make messages with them.
Guess what this says!