More Tile Fun

morphing tiles colormorphing tiles black and whitemorphing tiles outline

With a few adjustments the tiles can morph vertically as well as horizontally. I might prefer the just-horizontal version, but I’m not sure.

In some ways I prefer the black and white to the color. When it’s just outlines your mind can interpret shapes any number of ways. When a fill color is added they get restricted a little. With additional colors they get more locked into regions.

This is such a good project to work on while I have insomnia. Or maybe it’s causing the insomnia.


Animating Islamic Tiles Turned Out To Be Easier Than I Thought

I had assumed animating Islamic tiles would be a big complicated endeavor but it only took a few hours of messing around in Flash to figure it out. I just made a half-equilateral-triangle mask and tiled it, then made a fairly simple animation underneath:

Single tile from the animation above. Red indicates mask.

Obviously all kinds of variations can be made from here. If only I had tried this earlier!

The reason this is a Big Deal for me, is I didn’t know how easy it would be to tile squares with hexagons. I thought if I made a hex-based system like this I’d just get hexagons and equilateral triangles, not squares. But look – there are squares all over the place!

see the squares?
more squares
Squares! Squares! Everywheres!