Sita’s Tribeca Screening Times

Friday, April 25, 8:15 pm, AMC Village VII
Sunday, April 27, 3:45 pm, AMC 19th Street East
Monday, April 28, 10:45 pm, AMC Village VII
Thursday, May 1, 1:45 pm, Village East Cinemas
Friday, May 2, 3:00 pm, AMC 19th Street East

AMC Village VII (AV7)
66 Third Avenue (at 11th Street)
New York, NY 10003

AMC 19th Street East (A19)
890 Broadway (at 19th Street)
New York, NY 10003

Village East Cinemas (VEC)
181 Second Avenue (at 12th Street)
New York, NY 10003

I’ll be at the first 3 screenings for Q & A’s, but alas I must miss the last two (other Sita collaborators will be there to reprezent). April 30 I go to the Rochester/High Falls Film Festival, where Sita is an opening night film. Then I go straight to Stuttgart, Germany, for the International Trickfilmfestival, followed by the Flashconference/FMX. Whee!


Intern Wanted

Do you like filling in forms? Do you like putting things in envelopes? Do you like going to the post office? How about running errands? All for no money!

If this sounds like your dream job, I need someone to come to my unglamorous Manhattan studio once a week and do all of the above. You can probably get college credit for it. And learn something? Apply here.

above: just some of the mess you could help clean up!


Links for Lunch

Remember when I wrote about Stephen Wells? Well I finally had lunch with him last week. Vegan, of course – Stephen is the Executive Director of the Animal Legal Defense Fund. Over the delicious fried offerings of Red Bamboo we agreed that the only way animal abuse is going to get curbed is by passing and enforcing laws against it. Which the ALDF is doing. I’m not vegan* myself, but even carnivores could (and do) support this work.  Stephen and I also commiserated about this sort of thing – a man after my own heart.

*I’m generally classified as vegetarian, but I occasionally eat sea creatures. In case you want to take me out to lunch (see below).

Would YOU like to be featured in Links for Lunch? Then buy me lunch. My email address is at the bottom of the middle column, the one with the pictures linking to my movies and cartoons and stuff.


Links for Lunch – Berlin Roundup

An ongoing feature in which I recommend the work and websites of people who buy me lunch. Today’s entry: people I’ve neglected to post about who bought me lunch in Berlin!

Pierre-Jean Duffour and Stéphanie Gerlier (above) of MASALADOSA attempted to buy me lunch but were intercepted by Sita patron/Temple Construction Engineer Tom Swain (with wife Elke, below). However the next day they managed to pay for my food at the Teddy Awards party. I can’t praise the music of MASALADOSA enough. They found me online, sent me their music, and now it’s in Sita Sings the Blues. Hopefully I’ll see them again soon in France – fingers crossed for the Annecy festival, to which I submitted as soon as I got back.
Kaisa Penttilä, a Finnish animator living in Berlin, saw Sita and subsequently emailed me. One thing led to another, and the next thing you know, she bought me lunch.

Bonus lunch: Greg Sextro, and Reena Shah and I were also treated to lunch at the Berlinale Lunch Club.

Would YOU like to be featured in Links for Lunch? Then buy me lunch. My email address is at the bottom of the middle column, the one with the pictures linking to my movies and cartoons and stuff.
