Check out this comic and more on!
And they’re embeddable now! Thanks to Mike Caprio for rebuilding the site from scratch. Looking for a specific strip? See thumbnails of the complete archives all at once, or larger strips on the feed page. All comics at link to gigantic high-res PNGs which you can reprint and publish without permission! CopyLEFT, baby.
The “next” and “back” arrows don’t seem to work…
Why doesn’t the old RSS feed work?
dave™© – Can you tell me what browser and operating system you’re using?
Jacques – We’ll be redirecting old links to new links at some point, looking through the logs to see what people have linked to and use; do you want to use the new feed link, or is there a need to use the old link?
Thank you very much for having small images in the RSS feed; I prefer these to the large versions on the main site because my screen resolution is small.
I really like your comic and will be following it in the future.
Just a suggestion: it might get some more exposure if you submitted it to the website I’m not sure if they accept new comics anymore; the site is a bit neglected, but I still find it very useful.
Mike – If it wasn’t for this RSS feed, I probably wouldn’t have noticed there is a new feed for Mimi & Eunice. I’m just concerned that someone may be missing out on the new strips.
wah, i keep gettin’ BAD GATEWAY message.
Me too. Anyone know what the problem is? And what is the new RSS feed that Jacques talks about?
It’s one technical difficulty after another. Tech is on it…. Thanks for the continues tech feedback, it helps!