Now with bodies! No matter what I did, the Muse kept guiding me toward symmetry, especially adding the body. Yes it has 5 legs, like a Shedu. Yes it looks like a sheep. A powerful, gigantic, terrifying monster sheep. I still haven’t decided whether it will have 3 faces or 5.

My vote is for the three headed Behemoth. I’m digging the cubism.
I like the 5 better. I like the extra set horns and the way the faces are tiered.
Okay, now I’m liking the 2nd one. Just seems a little grander and more terrifying.
Yeah ,second one looks better.
5 heads! most definitely! Otherwise, it is just too square.
Five feet, five heads. Hands down. Monsters are supposed to be terrifying, not a mild curiosity (as with three heads.)
Without the two other heads, it may as well be a flounder.
PS I guarantee five heads will be more fun to animate.
Another vote for 5.
Now that I see the body in place, I have to agree that 5 heads are better than 3.
5 does seem more terrifying but I like the look of 3 better, so I guess I’ll vote for 3?
Too bad about the asymmetry.
Five faces FTW!
5 heads better!
could just one of the side heads be smiling, rather than snarling?
sita made the pledge drive!
5 heads is more mean.
I wanna see the 3D version(s).
Awesome! 5 Heads