One thought on “Rose Window icons”

  1. I’ve just recently discovered you and your work this past weekend while researching material on the internet archive for a video project I’m working on. I dropped everything I was doing after looking you up on Wikipedia and was soon sitting in front of the telly searching for “Seder-Masochism” on youtube.

    I LOVE and have seen A LOT of great animation over the years. That being said, “Seder-Masochism” absolutely blew my mind! One of greatest works of art I have ever had the privilege of witnessing. Epic! Sublime! I would consider it in the same league as the greatest works of the Renaissance. And I sure hope that doesn’t come off as flattery or hyperbole because I sincerely mean it.

    So now I find myself frequenting your blog and evolving into a junkie! I love your blog. It is providing me extraordinary cognitive and spiritual nutrition.

    Though I have never met you, I must take this opportunity to express my gratitude and appreciation for your hard work and for your greatness.

    Acknowledging the quality and quantity of your work, for me, is an inspiration and a real kick in the butt. That I need to get on the ball and work harder and be more productive.

    Appreciate you and wishing you excellent health, peace of mind and continued success always.


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