I’m exploring custom lenticular prints of loops from ApocalypseAnimated.com. I still don’t have them in hand; the first tests arrive in hand next week. Here’s a preview video from the printer of the design below:

But I’m so excited I’m already setting up designs for 6 more, to make a set of 7 lenticular prints (7 seems to be the most fetishized number in the Book of Revelation). Because I want to look at them adjacent to each other, I’m posting them here!

These loops are all 8 frames (except the Throne and Temple Smoke) because the more frames interlaced into a lenticular, the blurrier it gets. I really won’t know how or whether these designs will work until they’re interlaced, printed, and sealed under a ridged piece of plastic called a lens. Also there are 8 here, not 7, so one of them will eventually be excluded.
I understand from your comments about ENCANTO and POWER OF THE DOG that you don’t watch many movies, but I wanted to write anyway to say that I think you’ll like TURNING RED, which is currently on Disney+.
Aside from just liking the film a lot, it strikes me the way your work does, as pretty much the work and point of view of a single mind, considering things of interest to her in ways that enlarged my understanding of the world from watching it.
Hank Graham
OMG These are magnificent! I can only imagine how you would creatively craft Kabbalistic works and stories such as Ezekiel’s vision, the 4 rabbis that went through the pardes, the Bahir, the Shiur Qomah, and so much more!
These are so wonderful. I love your work– more so with each passing year. (I still have a vhs tape with the title “Sita Sings the Blues” written in my mom’s cursive handwriting. She’d taped it off of PBS I think, recording over some old episodes of Mystery Diagnosis or something equally fabulous like that (what a compliment, right?). Anyway, she mailed me that vhs tape and nagged me over and over again to watch it. I kept putting it off, assuming it was some sort of M.O.W. from the Lifetime Channel.
When I finally did watch it, I couldn’t STOP watching it (and HAVEN’T stopped) since then. Thank you for being such an inspiration to me and countless others. It’s just a thing of wonder.
1. Have you ever considered animating/directing an animated feature film written by someone else?
2. Have you ever read “The Alphabet Versus The Goddess: the Conflict Between Word and Image? I think you’d love it. The author is Leonard Shlain.
Mary Birdsong
p.s. Thank you for nagging me, Mama.