A Hundred Hundred-and-Fifty Dollar Drawing. Hundred Dollar Drawings are now $150 due to inflation, but still a bargain! Available here.
“Free Speech” for Alex
A Hundred Hundred-and-Fifty Dollar Drawing. Hundred Dollar Drawings are now $150 due to inflation, but still a bargain! Available here.
“Cobra’s Nose” for Sharon
A Hundred Hundred-and-Fifty Dollar Drawing. Hundred Dollar Drawings are now $150 due to inflation, but still a bargain! Available here.
Quasi 3-D
In addition to the swell multi-frame animated lenticulars, I’ve also been working on fake quasi 3-D lenticular cards from a printer in China. These are much less expensive, but only allow 2 frames per card. I don’t use 3D software, so to achieve this quasi-3D look I move elements around manually. Here are my designs as 2-frame gifs; hopefully behind a lenticular lens they’ll fool the eye/brain into seeing depth.
There’s now an APOCALYPSE ANIMATED APP! It lets you store the entire Book of Revelation with almost 300 animated loops on your own device(s). Never again rely on iffy internet for your Apocalypse needs! Engineered by Atul Varma, currently for iPhone only. https://apps.apple.com/us/app/apocalypse-animated/id1610949716
Apocalypse Animated Lenticular prints!
I just got my test batch from the printer and they look as good in real life as they do in this video. (One of 8 in the video was printed at the wrong orientation, so that one is not offered, but it leaves 7 which was my goal anyway). Order yours here: https://apocalypseanimated.com/store/
Currently unsigned only, to US addresses only. I will offer more expensive, signed and numbered sets of 7 later. These are cheaper (but still expensive! Sorry, custom lenticulars ain’t cheap) because they ship directly from the printer. I’m also working on much larger 14″x11″ “walk-by” prints that can hang on walls, but hoo boy are those expensive.