Open Letter to the University of Illinois

February 28, 2019 In July of 2018, Arcadia, a cafe in Urbana, announced on Facebook an “Art Salon” at which my new film would be screened. The next day, Professor Mimi Thi Nguyen commented on Arcadia’s event page: “She’s a transphobe. I will never attend your events now.” My crime was, months earlier, sharing on … Continue reading “Open Letter to the University of Illinois”

Panel: Does Sex Matter? Gender Identity vs. Material Reality

Saturday, March 23rd, 3-5pm Urbana Free Library, Lewis Auditorium (downstairs) 210 W. Green Street, Urbana IL 61801 A transwoman, a detransitioner, and a radical feminist walk into a Library…. Speaking from different perspectives on modern gender identity politics, these three panelists agree that all people broadly deserve civil rights protections. But should gender identity replace sex … Continue reading “Panel: Does Sex Matter? Gender Identity vs. Material Reality”

Panel: Does Sex Matter? Gender Identity vs. Material Reality

Saturday, March 23rd, 3-5pm Urbana Free Library, Lewis Auditorium (downstairs) 210 W. Green Street, Urbana IL 61801 A transwoman, a detransitioner, and a radical feminist walk into a Library…. Speaking from different perspectives on modern gender identity politics, these three panelists agree that all people broadly deserve civil rights protections. But should gender identity replace … Continue reading “Panel: Does Sex Matter? Gender Identity vs. Material Reality”


Update: Chaz Ebert confirms Ebertfest’s decisions had nothing to do with my no-platforming in Urbana and Beligium, and they were unaware of any controversy. +++++ Ebertfest (Roger Ebert’s Film Festival) is the big film festival in my town (Champaign-Urbana, Illinois). In October, its director told 2 film critics/scholars I know that my new feature film Seder-Masochism … Continue reading “Blacklisted”

Fall 2018 North American Festival Tour wrap-up

In the last month I traveled to Ottawa, Vancouver, Mill Valley, San Francisco, Santa Cruz, and Los Angeles, to attend numerous screenings of Seder-Masochism, including the festivals below: This is a LONG post with lots of photos, so start after the fold.

Dayenu Illustrated

As I contemplate making a Seder-Masochism Haggadah, I chose some stills to illustrate the Passover song “Dayenu”. Song does not reflect my own opinions, etc. If He had brought us out from Egypt, and not carried out judgements against them, – Dayenu, it would have been enough! If He had carried out judgements against them, and … Continue reading “Dayenu Illustrated”