Dear Young Self: The Conversation

Note: I have recently been writing to my 18-year-old self, who wrote crazy journals in 1986. Here’s an excerpt. March 16 2024 8pm Young Self, you are oblivious to men’s interest in you. In this respect and a few others, you really are an idiot. Yes, it’s kind of charming: a kind of modesty, not … Continue reading “Dear Young Self: The Conversation”

Deluded and Immature

When I lived in New York, I knew two very talented and driven artists who had abandoned their children. One had left her son with her parents so she could move to NYC and pursue visual arts. The other had simply ditched his kid with his ex-wife, to devote his life to stage performance. Both … Continue reading “Deluded and Immature”

“Cycling and Gender Intersect in Meaningful Ways.”

Any bets on whether my local bike club will survive beyond this season? Emails lightly edited for brevity, all names anonymized except my own. Sat, Mar 19, 2022 MEMBER A: I was able to renew my membership with the link to the Website.  I noticed that the application requires a “gender” designation that only includes … Continue reading ““Cycling and Gender Intersect in Meaningful Ways.””

Mystic Symbolic: the developening

On January 27 I awoke with an idea for a mystic symbolic art generator. I immediately sketched copious notes and put out word I was looking for a coder to collaborate with. By some miracle, Atul Varma responded within an hour, which makes me believe this project really wants to exist. My plans are vast … Continue reading “Mystic Symbolic: the developening”