Here at last is the video from my first How To Free Your Work workshop, given at NY Foundation for the Arts in Brooklyn, October 5 2011. You can get all the information contained herein as easy-to-read instructions at If you want me to give a workshop like this to your group, please contact me.
Nina-any comment on the copying issue on mimi kirchner’s blog?
I’m still struggling with understanding this whole issue. They didn’t credit her, or ask, which makes me think it’s bad, but it didn’t make her work disappear, which makes me think it’s ok. I’m not trolling- I really am trying to figure it out.
This video is so informational that I would love to take advantage of the fact it is downloadable from where it is hosted, and listen to it without having to be connected to the internet, but at over a thousand MB it’s a little large. Could someone turn it into an mp3 or other audio format. please?
Can you provide that not free vs free CC license slide as an image? i think it’s really great.
As and you shall receive!
NYFA itself provided this link for anyone who just wants the audio:​howtofreeyourwork.mp3