Month: December 2016
“Happy Family” for Josh
This Hundred Dollar Drawing was requested by my brother. His own Happy Family will have to figure out who everyone is, ’cause I sure can’t. I’m also not sure about the dog. Is s/he happily dreaming of eating all of them?
Lexula and Cryonysus
Above: Lexula, Goddess of Scrabble. Her right hand dispenses letter tiles – randomly, because she is blindfolded. Her left hand wields the CrosSword.
Below: Cryonysus, God of Whiney Man-Babies.
Neither of these are technicallyHundred Dollar Drawings, since I drew them for myself during a slow period. But they are of that genre, so I’m including them in the series.
Susan’s “Entlebucher Bounding”
A Hundred Dollar Flipbook for Susan, except I didn’t do it as a flipbook, I did it all on one sheet:
And then I took out frame #6 because it didn’t look right. Here’s the same cycle larger:
Tiny Cat Run
This is mostly copied from the sample running cat in Richard William’s Animator’s Survival Kit book, minus frame 6 (below), which looked weird in the cycle.