Goddess Dance


Fun with negative spaces in Moho.

On the subject of “the Goddess”: some people seem to think I’m asserting a “single female creator goddess.” I’m not. I am an atheist. “The Goddess” refers not to any personal religious belief, but rather the fact that all early peoples conceived the divine as female. It doesn’t matter what region, what number of names, what language – the earliest religions were goddess-based. “The Goddess” doesn’t refer to any particular religion, but a principle of all of them.


More horse gifs

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I spent all day grappling with a bug in Moho. It was distorting shapes on duplicate layers, making it impossible for me to do my work. Hours and hours spent banging my head into a wall. I submitted a bug report and the corrupted files and…the techs could’t see the distortions. And in fact, when I re-opened my files, the distortions were gone, even though they were absolutely there before. I made new files and the same distortions occurred. But when I quit Moho and reopened the very same files – that were absolutely distorted and not just in the work area, but on renders too – the distortions were gone. So I finally have my workaround, and it only took a day of agony and despair.

Now I can duplicate layers again, so here are some horse gifs.
