Sita held over at IFC; now playing through January 5.


Woo! New showtimes – Click on the time to purchase tickets for a screening.

I’m doing Q and A’s tonight and tomorrow after the 8:30ish shows, then Friday and Saturday after the 4:40pm shows. Then I might take a little break, who knows.


FINALLY! Sita in NY Dec. 25-31


Sita Sings the Blues plays for one week at New York’s IFC Film Center, Dec. 25-31. This is a real theatrical run, with 7 or 8 screenings a day. I’ll be doing Q & A’s at the 8:25 pm shows most (possibly all) nights. Tickets online!

The schedule so far (click on the time to purchase tickets):

IFC Film Center has beautiful screens and is located at 323 Sixth Avenue at West Third Street (map) in the West Village, right at the W. 4th St. Station (A, C, E, B, D, F, & V subway lines). Please tell all your NY friends and help us get butts in seats!


Bill Cheswick’s New Way to See Movies

Bill Cheswick prints entire films – I’m talkin’ every single frame of the film – on giant rolls of paper. Because Sita is open licensed, he was able to make cool new art with it without my permission, but he gave me this 30-foot-long print anyway!


From Cheswick’s site:

Of course, I would like to try this on many other movies. The problem is one of copyright violation. While some argue this is fair use, it is clearly debatable, and I am not trying to blaze new legal ground here.

I’m glad Sita’s open license removes that obstacle. I wouldn’t want to be left out of this party!


Sita_Cheswick 2


Sita NYC Theatrical Run Dec. 25-31, IFC Center

That’s all I know so far – a multiple-shows-a-day run of Sita Sings the Blues at New York’s IFC Film Center, starting Dec. 25 (aka “Chrismas) and closing Dec. 31 (aka “New Year’s Eve”). More info like exact screening times and how to buy tickets coming soon. Mark your calendars! Tell your friends! Help us promote it! I love you!

