Sita Now Playing in Second Life


I’ve heard and read about Second Life, but I don’t go there because I don’t have enough time for my First Life. But for those of you with lives there, Scott Crawford writes:

…I now have Sita streaming on demand in the 2nd floor balcony hookah lounge of my club there, which is called Heck. If you’ve got Second Life installed, you can check it out here:

The screen has sort of a big screen tv/living room feel to it (I don’t currently have the resources to reopen the full movie theater I once had set up there), but I think the setup’s got cool ambience (unless you’re rabidly anti-drug, in which case, the hookah setup probably isn’t your cup of tea, as it’s not set up for tobacco, but we are talking virtual smoking rather than real smoking here), and if people click the screen, it offers them the option to go to the Sita site as well, so hopefully it kicks some more business and attention yours and the film’s way.

Thanks, Scott!


Back to Illinois

I left my hometown of Urbana, IL, almost 21 years ago, with dreams of becoming a new age crystal-wielding hippie. I was 20 years old. Now I’m 40 (almost 41!) and will be returning with a feature film, for a film festival that didn’t exist when I was growing up. But first: the University of Chicago!

Who’da thunk back in 1988, that I’d be blogging about this in 2009? We couldn’t even imagine blogs back then.
