Copycamp Talk

“40 Years in the Desert,” a talk I gave at Copycamp in Warsaw, Poland, on November 26 2012. Audio is a bit messed up until 02:49, so just start there. I talk a bit about and Minute Memes, liberally quote Rick Falkvinge, mention Fair Use and Creative Commons before getting into Intellectual Disobedience. Toward … Continue reading “Copycamp Talk”

Hormoned Hathor

When Yahweh said, “Thou shalt have no other gods before Me” he probably meant goddesses. The popular cow-goddess Hathor may have been the golden calf of Exodus. That’s the angle I’m taking in Seder-Masochism, since so much of the Books of Moses seem devoted to crushing both competing (read: goddess-worshipping) religions as well as actual women … Continue reading “Hormoned Hathor”

The Holy Place

Here’s the interior of the Tabernacle known as “The Holy Place.” Behind those cherub-adorned curtains (“the veil”) is the “Holy of Holies”, the remote chamber containing the Ark of the Covenant with its cherub-adorned Mercy Seat. For a deity that prohibited graven images, YHWH sure demanded a lot of graven images of cherubs. From my … Continue reading “The Holy Place”


I designed some Hebrews for Seder-Masochism. Doing all 12 tribes was too daunting, but I’m calling the additions to Moses and Aharon Fatiman, Menorah, and Asher* respectively. There aren’t a lot of representational images in Jewish art – not compared to rich delicious pagan religious art traditions like Hinduism and Catholicism – but there are … Continue reading “Hebrews”