The Seder-Masochism Book

Graven-on-demand copies available here! Transparency: I get about $6 per $35 order. Hopefully by next year some publisher will have them offset-printed in hardcover with sewn bindings, but until then, graven-on-demand is it. It’s a Haggadah! It’s an Anti-Haggadah! It’s coming soon! It’s almost 200 pages, in full color! Here are some pictures of the proof I … Continue reading “The Seder-Masochism Book”

Seder-Masochism festivals, September-October 2018

Festivals marked with * and Bold are ones I’m attending in person!   Athens International Film Festival Athens, Greece September 19-30 AnimaSyros Syros, Greece September 26-30 * Ottawa International Animation Festival Ottawa, Canada September 26-30 2018 * Vancouver International Film Festival Vancouver, Canada September 27-October 12 (SM screenings October 3 & 4) * Mill Valley Film Festival Mill Valley, CA October … Continue reading “Seder-Masochism festivals, September-October 2018”

Where is Seder-Masochism?

Seder-Masochism is currently doing its film festival rounds. There are a number of festivals lined up this Fall and Winter, most of which I can’t name until they make their official announcements. I really, REALLY want to free the thing online, like, yesterday, but many festivals will disqualify any film that has an “online platform.” Film festivals are the … Continue reading “Where is Seder-Masochism?”

Seder-Masochism Progress Report

My two goals for 2017 were to bicycle 5,000 miles, and to finish Seder-Masochism. I have 30 miles to go on the first goal, slowed down by mysterious health problems (for which I’m about to undergo a series of invasive tests). But the second goal keeps getting farther away. I have all the pieces made, … Continue reading “Seder-Masochism Progress Report”