Paley & Doctorow argue over Non-Commercial licenses

Venerable author Cory Doctorow and I had this email correspondence this Summer, with the intention of sharing it to illuminate some issues confronting Free Culture and Creative Commons licenses. My thanks to Cory! May 17, 2010 Hi Cory, I’m writing to invite you to experiment with what I think is a brilliant innovation from … Continue reading “Paley & Doctorow argue over Non-Commercial licenses”

An Open Letter to Lincoln Center

Dear Lincoln Center, On Friday, May 28, I attended a NY Philharmonic performance of Ligeti’s Le Grand Macabre. All patrons were required to pass through long “security” lines and have our bags searched by guards. Those carrying cameras were forbidden from entering the auditorium and ordered to check their bags in an even longer line. … Continue reading “An Open Letter to Lincoln Center”

Quality, Freedom, Money: Choose Two

People seem to want to believe that just freeing works is some magic recipe for success. It isn’t. But since people crave simple business models, I came up with one this morning: Quality Freedom Money ______ Any Two = success A very good (Quality) film can succeed if it is Free (Freedom) OR has a … Continue reading “Quality, Freedom, Money: Choose Two”

“if no one is informed, no one will object.”

My goodness, no one seems to know what grand juries are! I sure didn’t, until this week. Because they’re called “juries,” people think they’re trial juries. Not at all! Here’s a good article explaining how grand juries work by activist Craig Rosebraugh. Grand Juries, often referred to as the “strong arm of the court system,” … Continue reading ““if no one is informed, no one will object.””

Nell Minow: Film Reviewer, “CEO Killer”

So there I was reading an old New Yorker, and came across this article about a lawyer who exposes overpaid corporate CEOs. The name and the picture looked familiar. Could it be the same Nell Minow who interviewed me about Sita Sings the Blues? Why yes, it is! Turns out the “Movie Mom” is kicking … Continue reading “Nell Minow: Film Reviewer, “CEO Killer””

Reasons not to travel

Never before in my life have I been offered so many opportunities to travel. Flights paid for, hotels covered, welcomed as a special guest in fabulous locations all over the world. I am grateful, and honored. Unfortunately, I can’t stand it and I need to stop. It’s baffling. I’ve always wanted to travel like this. … Continue reading “Reasons not to travel”