Thanks, Cousin Phil!
Before and After
I titled this “The Maiden and the Crone” on facebook.
Speaking of which, I seem to be posting a lot more updates on facebook than on this here blog. Is this part of a trend? Are blogs going to die of atrophy? What does it all mean?
July Media Roundup
Screen Daily quotes me in this article about indies and “piracy.” Fortunately I come off as a voice of reason in a world gone mad (to me at least). Don’t believe the MPAA’s lies; they don’t have the interests of small independent filmmakers at heart, that’s for sure.
The Morning News runs a nice short interview of moi.
July’s United Airlines “Hemispheres” in-flight magazine
Far Eastern Economic Review: Salil Tripathi’s October 2008 article about “Sita” finally viewable without an exorbitant subscription fee.
Radio: I was interviewed for NPR’s To the Best of Our Knowledge. Starts at about 13:30.
New Director Photos
NinaVision: my pre-Sita shorts now on
That’s right, The Stork, Fetch!, Fertco, Pandorama, The Wit and Wisdom of Cancer, and Lexi are all where they belong – at! Feel free to copy and share.
To the Best of Our Knowledge
A segment on Sita Sings the Blues on NPR’s To the Best of Our Knowledge, starting around 13:30.