Donations supporting Sita Sings the Blues are now tax-deductible when made through the project’s fiscal sponsor, Fractured Atlas.
UPDATE 2: So many people have RSVP’ed we’re adding a second show at 9pm. 7pm is full. If you show up at 7 and your name’s not on the list, you can still see the preview at 9. Or there may be some no-shows you can replace.
UPDATE: if you want to attend the New York screening, please RSVP with “Sita NY” in the subject, to:
Space is limited, and priority will be given to those with names on the list. This is just a sneak preview; the bigger and better genuine premiere will happen in 2008.
New York:
Saturday, November 17, 7:00 pm and 9:00pm
NYU Tisch School of the Arts, room 006 (lower level)
721 Broadway, between Waverly Place and Washington Place
New York City
We’ll screen the whole 82-minute feature on DVD, then the 3-minute 35mm film test of “Battle of Lanka,” so you can see just how gorgeous it looks on film.
San Francisco:
Saturday, December 1, 8:00 pm
Oddball Film
275 Capp Street
San Francisco, CA 94110
$10 donation
RSVP 415.558.8117 or email info at
See the whole 82-minute feature on DVD. We’ll have samosas, T-shirts, and GOOD TIMES.
Both screenings are excellent opportunities for those of you who wish to contribute to the making of the 35mm film print to see what you may be supporting. And hopefully I’ll have fiscal sponsorship by then, meaning any donations (as opposed to loans) will be tax-deductible! Of course I’ll be there, answering questions, hawking art prints and begging for money. FUN!
Buy my printer!
I’m selling my lightly-used Epson printer to get a new one that’s exactly like it except it uses archival inks. ‘Cause I’m gonna make a bunch of art prints and if the ink fades in 100 years, I’ll feel bad. Actually I’ll be dead by then, and probably civilization as we know it will have collapsed even sooner, but someday when alien archeologists pick through the remains of our decadent and self-destructive society, I’d like them to see crisp, clear, brilliant colors on those “Sita” prints. So, to make room for the new printer, the old one (which I bought a year ago) must GO!
Prints up to 13×19!
Color prints are beautiful, but supposedly lightfastness is only guaranteed 25 years
Mac and PC
Comes with paper roll feeder and other crap I don’t use
Shiny silver!
4 extra “genuine Epson” (overpriced retail) ink cartridges included: 2 color, 2 black
All this for just $200! The inks retail for $100 alone, which sucks but they do last a while. The printer also does plain ol’ letter size and is a fine home or office printer. Buyer must pick up from mid-town Manhattan (Hell’s Kitchen, convenient to all Times Square trains). You can use the box from my new printer to carry it, since my apartment is too small to store boxes. Act now while supplies last!
Second NY screening added!
By popular demand, we’re adding a 9pm* sneak preview screening of Sita in New York on November 17. Please RSVP with “Sita NY 9pm” in the subject. You can also just show up; if we run out of room at 7 (and we probably will) we’ll put you on the list for 9, which should be less crowded. If you’ve already RSVP’ed, you’re in, no worries.
*The 9pm show may be DVD only, as we might not have time to show “Battle of Lanka” on 35mm.
This weekend I finally redesigned my tired old “Sita” page as a shiny new web site: I hope you consider it as much of an improvement as I do.
Eats for Endorsement
An ongoing feature in which I recommend the work and websites of people who buy me dinner. Today’s entry: Ross Kiester!
I met Ross Kiester at the Platform Animation Festival in Portland, OR, where his two brilliant and charming teenage daughters impressed me with their impeccable taste (they’re fans of the Stork). Last week Ross was in New York doing…well, all kinds of things. For not only is he a mathematician into discreet global grids, but he’s also a turtle conservationist. The latter is how he knows Eric Goode of the Maritime Hotel – turns out he’s a turtle conservationist too. Those turtle conservationists form a tight community, which is why fellow turtle conservationist Maurice Rodrigues is the manager of the Maritime’s various enterprises, including Matsuri, where we enjoyed a lavish and delicious Japanese meal followed by French fusion pastries. My oh my that was tasty. Also joining were Ross’ niece and her husband, both accomplished graphic designers. Conversation focused on Basque cuisine, Japanese cuisine, alcohol (for once I wasn’t the only person at the table who just doesn’t like the taste), West vs. East Coasts, and of course, turtles. On that subject I was surely the most ignorant person there, but I did suggest a three-word name for their organization – the Global Turtle Initiative.
These cheesy flash photos don’t do anyone justice, alas.
Maurice: yes to turtles, no to booze.
Would YOU like to be featured in Eats for Endorsement? Then buy me dinner. My email address is at the bottom of the middle column, the one with the pictures linking to my movies and cartoons and stuff.