Via Manish Acharya, an Indian music video translated by one Buffalax with “SUBTITLES THAT SAY WHAT I THINK THE VIDEO SOUNDS LIKE IN ENGLISH!!!”
Facing Facebook
I could only resist Facebook for so long. My shiny new Facebook page is here, and there’s a Sita Sings the Blues group here. Lots of photos! Go crazy, social networkers!
In sadder news, I also reluctantly registered on MySpace, the ugliest, worst-designed, least-navigable, skankiest hivemind on the ‘net, because some friends still insist on using it. Feh.
Berlinale’08 Photos
Sorry for the delay. I’ve been jetlagged and, dare I say it, a little depressed – must be that post-partum thing they warned me about. I’m only talking about my mood here, not my reality – my reality is great! I’m very lucky, very blessed, and I know it. I just wish my brain chemistry corresponded. Anyway, photos here. (Photo above by Markus Kempken.)
There’s something queer about “Sita”…
…because, much to my delight and surprise, she was listed as a TEDDY film: the GayLesbianBisexualTransgender category at the Berlinale. Films were classified as follows:
G / g : Gay
L / l : Lesbian
T / t : Transgender
GS : Gender Studies / Role Models
C : Queer Context
Sita Sings the Blues is “C: Queer Context.” The film may not be specifically pro-gay, but it’s pretty anti-het. Or maybe the film, like me, is so utterly non-straight it has to be queer. Whatever the reason, I am thrilled: queer cinema on the whole tends to be much more interesting than mainstream. Thanks, Teddy people!
Ulitimate Blogs today
What with the Berlinale and all, I forgot to mention is included in Sarah Boxer’s new anthology, Ultimate Blogs: Masterworks from the Wild Web. She’s doing a reading from it TONIGHT:
at the Chelsea Barnes & Noble (6th Ave and 22nd St.) on Monday, Feb. 18th, at 7 pm.
Two of the bloggers in the book, Alex Ross of The Rest Is Noise and Jennie Portnof of johnny I hardly knew you, have kindly agreed to help me out. I’d love to see you there!
— Sarah
If I’m awake, I’ll be there too, so come on down!
Back from Berlin
I’m back! Sorry I couldn’t blog from Berlin, nor clean up the comment spam until just now. Photos and stories to come after I sleep off my jetlag, but first some news in brief:
1. Sita got a Special Mention from the Generation 14plus Jury
2. Someone took a hot photo of me at the premiere
In addition, everyone loved the story of how you blog-readers helped the film, especially with the 35mm print. Congratulations to all of us!