My furnace went out yesterday, the coldest of the year. A tech came and got it back on. 3 hours after he left it went out again. He’s coming back this morning, but I faced the night — coldest of the year, -3°F with windchill below -20° — with space heaters and a few open taps to keep the pipes from freezing and bursting, and multiple electric blankets for me and the cats. I was freezing and shaking when I went to bed at 1am; I awoke at 5:30 to cloying dry heat, because the furnace mysteriously turned itself on in the wee hours. Got up, turned the thermostat back down to the usual 65°, have no idea if it will turn on again or plummet into the 50’s or below as it did last night.
Also had a bitter argument with a friend, a real disappointing horror.
Just a shitty terrifying night all around, so I drew a picture.